Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada


(There are 2 photos in this photo gallery.)

Red River Cart Spoked Wheels Fort Walsh Saskatchewan

A Red River cart on display at the Fort Walsh National Historic Site in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada shows the making of the spoked wheels.

When visiting the Fort Walsh National Historic Site in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada, one can trace the history of the North West Company fur trading. One of the displays is this Red River Cart with its massive spoked ...
Fort Walsh North West Mounted Police Saskatchewan Canada

A costumed interpreter dressed as a North West Mounted Police stands besides a Red River cart at the Fort Walsh National Historic Site in Saskatchewan, Canada.

An employee at the Fort Walsh National Historic Site in Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park in Saskatchewan, Canada dressed in period styled clothing from the North West Mounted Police during the 19th century. Beside this costumed interpreter, is ...

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Canada photography and photos - Carts