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Commercial Fishing Crab Pots Conche Newfoundland

Commercial fishing boats have stacks of crab pots loaded on board in Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada.

Visitors to Conche Harbour in Newfoundland, Canada can watch the pack ice melt and explore all the commercial fishing boats who have stacks of crab pots on board. These crab pots are used on a daily basis once the fishing boats can leave the harbour and bring in pounds of crab which is a way of living for many of the local residents.

Crab pots on the deck of 'Conche Flyer' a crab fishing boat in Conche Harbour unable to leave the dock because of pack ice, Conche, French Shore, Northern Peninsula, Great Northern Peninsula, Viking Trail, Newfoundland, Canada.

Commercial Fishing Crab Pots Conche Newfoundland
Photo: Commercial Fishing Crab Pots Conche Newfoundland
Picture of crab pots used on the commercial fishing boats in Conche, Newfoundland.

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Canada photography and photos - Commercial Fishing Crab Pots Conche Newfoundland