Ottawa Canada
Pictures and Photos of Canada

Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba

Sitting quietly in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Churchill, Manitoba this Polar Bear is not sure whether to get up or lay down again.

A Polar Bear sitting in the perfect pose to have his picture taken after slowly arising as he waits for the tundra to freeze over in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba, Canada. As he stares at us and the large equipment we have, he does not seem too energetic yet and enjoys sitting peacefully amongst the bushes.

polar bear, Ursus maritimus, in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area, Hudson Bay, Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.

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Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba
Photo: Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba
Picture of a Polar Bear sitting amongst the dry tundra landscape in the Churchill Wildlife Management Area in Manitoba.

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Canada photography and photos - Sitting Polar Bear Churchill Manitoba