Ottawa Canada
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Leaf Insect Newfoundland Insectarium And Butterfly Pavilion

A leaf insect wanders on a human's hand at the Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion near Deer Lake in Newfoundland, Canada.

A Wandering Leaf Insect makes its way across human skin in the Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion in Newfoundland, Canada. A leaf insect must be handled very delicately as they can easily lose a leg if handled in a rough manner.

The light green coloring on the Leaf Insect provides excellent camouflage for these insects making hiding spots very easy amongst the leaves. When the Leaf Insect walks, it rocks its body back and forth imitating a real leaf as if it was blowing in the breeze. With a body which is extremely flat and an odd shape, the Leaf Insect grows to be about 4 inches long and when visiting the Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion in Newfoundland, Canada, these small creatures can be hard to find.

Hundreds of other insects and arthopods can be seen at this popular tourist attraction which covers 8,000 square feet on an area of 25 acres. There is only two of these types of insectariums throughout Canada, the other one being in Montreal.

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Leaf Insect Newfoundland Insectarium And Butterfly Pavilion
Photo: Leaf Insect Newfoundland Insectarium And Butterfly Pavilion
Picture of a leaf insect on top of a visitor's hand at the Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion in Newfoundland.


Wandering Leaf Insect, comes from the Indo-Malaysia Zone, at the Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion near Deer Lake, Highway 430, Viking Trail, Trails to the Vikings, Northern Peninsula, Great Northern Peninsula, Newfoundland, Newfoundland Labrador, Canada. The Newfoundland Insectarium and Butterfly Pavilion was opened in 1998.

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Canada photography and photos - Leaf Insect Newfoundland Insectarium And Butterfly Pavilion